The Greatest Strength of a Warrior Might Not Be What You Think
What is the strength of a warrior? Is it his physical strength? Is it his fighting ability? Is it his endurance? These are all great assets that a warrior must
What is the strength of a warrior? Is it his physical strength? Is it his fighting ability? Is it his endurance? These are all great assets that a warrior must
Genesis 12:1 "Now the Lord said to Abram, go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father's house, to the land which I will show you."
One of David’s greatest enemies in his early years was against the spirit of limitation. God had great expectations for David just as God has great expectations for you. He
David never allowed his profession, his circumstance, or others to determine who he was. David realized that his identity and purpose could only come from God and not the consistent
As in David’s time, God is looking today for people that will serve him not out of obligation or tradition, but out of their desire to worship the Creator. God
Nothing very interesting or innovative ever emerges from a comfort zone. When people in organizations, businesses, and churches become too comfortable, it's because they have lost the momentum to pursue