David never allowed his profession, his circumstance, or others to determine who he was. David realized that his identity and purpose could only come from God and not the consistent change of circumstances. This steadfast principle in Davids life allowed him to be the same no matter where he went. He was the same in the fields as he was in the palace; a man of integrity.

If you allow the Holy Spirit to be your source—your source of strength and direction—as David did, you too can go from pasture to palace, from isolation to promotion!

David learned as a shepherd boy that God is the source of strength, wisdom, provision, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love. When he was in the fields with the sheep, he didn’t just pass the time away. He served God where he was, did what was in his heart by building himself up in faith, and becoming all that the servant of Saul spoke of. This was the preparation that was taking place with no one else around. Preparation for when God would open the door of opportunity for David to step into his destiny. David’s inner character would be revealed and used for the glory of God. You have to be ready for those choice opportunities. Fulfilling destiny requires connection to the proper source.

[shareable cite=”@terrylamasters”]God wants you to fulfill your destiny, but not outside of Him and His strength.[/shareable]

God is waiting to open the doors of opportunity for you. But you have to be teachable. You have to be willing not to rely on yourself, but God. God wants you to fulfill your destiny, but not outside of Him and His strength. When you start operating in what God has for you now—living the journey of destiny—your gifts and abilities will make a way for you. It starts with a heart response and just be aware that you may have to kill a giant along the way!

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