Churches are made up of imperfect people including the Pastor's who lead them. Pastoring is a hard task that bears both a physical and spiritual weight. People are messed up
Churches are made up of imperfect people including the Pastor's who lead them. Pastoring is a hard task that bears both a physical and spiritual weight. People are messed up
As a manager for many years, I have sat through numerous Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet review meetings. Review meetings for organizations are important and serve a valuable purpose.
Today the landscape of Christianity is changing and the metrics used to determine effectiveness have shifted from the Bible to culture. This has created great confusion and criticism of church styles,
Great leaders embrace change rather than the security of comfort. Security of comfort has been the anchor that has held organizations stagnant causing them to become irrelevant, dead, and lack
What comes to mind when you think of standards? Does the word standard have a positive or negative connotation when you hear it? Are you restrained or restricted by your
We are living within a culture whose very nature is due to the fallen state of man. It is a culture, no matter the society, that demands conformance unto itself.