Recently my wife and I took a trip to Oregon with some friends that included a stop at Crater Lake. The lake was so unbelievable even in the midst of winter. While there, we learned that Crater Lake is the deepest lake in North America and has some of the purest and most clear water around. The beauty of the lake is more than location, but it is in the reflective quality of the lake. As you look over the lake you see a smooth, clear, true reflection just as a mirror of not only the beauty of the nature and life around the lake, but the harshness of winter, time and volcanic past that has shaped and molded this wonderful place with immeasurable beauty.

Proverbs 27:19 says, “As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects man.” Just as Crater Lake is known for its reflection, so you will be known by reflection of your heart. At your core, the heart is the real you. It’s not your family name, what others say about you, what you do for a job or even your past; it is what you are on the inside. This is not an old cliché, but truth.

What or who are you reflecting? Do you like your reflection? No matter how you answered these questions, you can begin today to change your reflection today. Take a moment and reflect!