In an magazine that I just received there was a Q & A session with David Kinnaman, president of the Barna Group who shared a few thoughts about the state of the church. I thought he had some great insights and after reading felt really encouraged in the scope of vision as a church and my vision as a leader looking forward. Here are a few insights and comments from the Q & A that I want to share.

Millions of young adults drop out of church

This is staggering to think about when you consider the effect and consequences not just in the next generation, but the effect it has today. For me, the question then is why are they leaving the church? David Kinnaman says “We are not raising teens and twenty-somethings to live effectively in current culture. This does not mean that we should try to “accommodate” our culture, but we need a deeper, better approach to prepare young people to live like Jesus in today’s world.”

What is the answer to the mass exit of young adults from the church? I think the answer is actually pretty simple but requires a change of perspective and a shift of responsibility. Discipleship and equipping must come back to the church and become valued. We must move past the programs of the church and begin as Christians to relate cross generational, follow Christ as the example and equip people to do life successfully. We need to be the Church that Jesus is building and stop doing church. When we do, we will see less and less young adults dropping out of church.

Anything on horizon or in your research that hints we might see the Church once again influence our world?

This was a great question and I was excited about the answer. The answer was “I think the idea of reconnecting faith and work is a big trend…It’s a fundamental rediscovery that God has given each of us a purpose and meaning in what we do and how we do it.” This is so true. In some of my classes, the topic of Christianity and work often come up. When you think back to the 12 tribes of Israel, 11 of the 12 were called to be ‘ministers to the marketplace.’ Our work must become an extension of our relationship to God. Whatever your occupation is or regardless of your location, it is the sphere that God has placed you in to be a light and be the one to bring Jesus to that Sphere. You are a representation of Jesus in your workplace. Our work and our walk were never meant to be separate. When we come back to this foundational principle, the church will influence our world and culture. And by the way, that is YOU!

What is the state of the church? Where is it headed in the future, and what might it look like?

David Kinnaman again answers, “…Did you realize that 4 out of 5 Americans continue to believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God? The larger problem is many doubt the Bible has claim on their lives. We respect the bible, but we don’t obey it. The urgent need is for churches to break through the culture of distraction to broaden and deepen people’s passion for God.” There truly is a disconnect in the perception of cultural relevance and the application of the word of God coupled with a lack of passion. The fact is the Bible is just applicable today and culturally relevant as it was when it was written. Have times and cultures changed? Yes, but the principles still remain the same. People must experience revival in themselves and get a passion for God and His Word. Churches must get back to preaching the word of God and bridging the gap. Let’s stay true to our principles and learn to communicate in the midst of current culture. Then you will see a blossoming, growing church with a passion for God and His Word.