Credibility = believability; what makes you believable? Integrity and credibility are easy to lose and harder to gain. The key to gaining credibility is to be authentic and genuine. This is becoming harder as these words are losing meaning and power in our culture due to misinterpretation and application.

Credibility is essential for a leader to be effective and an organization to connect with not only their employees, but also to their customers. Trust is the basis and foundation for relationship. For trust to be given, credibility is a required. Here are 4 ways to build credibility:

[shareable cite=”@terrylamasters”]Trust is the basis and foundation for relationship. #leadership[/shareable]

1. Focus on building your character.

Credibility flows from your character and is dependent upon your integrity. You must work to make integrity a part of your life and a core value if you want to be a successful leader and influence people. Integrity is what you are and do when you are alone. You should be able to be the same when you are alone as when you are with other people. No double standard or lifestyle. Character is something developed and takes hard work, especially when you have to change. The benefits of integrity are worth the effort. Character will take you where Charisma alone can’t go.

2. Be consistent in your communication and actions.

Do you act the same way in similar situations? Are you consistent in what you say and how you say it? Consistency is critical. People will not follow someone who is inconsistent with their actions and speech because it breeds insecurity and unstableness. Do what you say every time. Act the same in situations that are similar. Lead your organization with consistent words and actions.

3. Be accountable for your actions and decisions.

A part of being a great leader is the ability to hold people accountable for their actions and responsibilities in a way that does not degrade their value and show disrespect for them as a person. If a leader is not willing to be accountable for their actions, it shows disrespect and devalues the individual elevating the leader to a place of superiority. This is a dangerous place since this perception of superiority is false and grounded in ones own ego. Being accountable for your actions and decisions will actually build and strengthen your credibility and grow your leadership.

4. Trust in the people you are leading.

Remember that trust is the basis and foundation for relationship. If you want credibility, then you will also have to trust those who you are leading. This builds relationship that makes credibility possible. Delegate and empower those in your organization. Trust in the skills, calling, and purpose of those who you lead. Work to develop leaders by allowing them to accomplish tasks, give valuable input, make decisions, and create an environment of value. In return, credibility is formed. For leaders, you must first trust before it is reciprocated.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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